It's Sunday morning and i was able to remove my bandages this morning. I slept for a good 8 hours last night. I am still having some numbness in my left neck and face...and hoping that as the swelling goes down so will the numbness. Hope that is not a permanent side effect.
I took some pictures and will add them as i crop and submit them on here.[Here are the pictures i promised----right is my face, left is my armpitarea. this is 48 hours post op] I have not been able to shower yet and I am still pretty sore but am taking as little pain meds as possible as i don't want to deal with the withdrawl of the meds. I am eating alright although i have to really concentrate to chew and swallow and not choke. I am getting some of my taste buds back as well...since it seems my left side of my tongue isn't as numb.
I am hoping that tomorrow is the last really bad day and that i start feeling better after that...I am sure the shower i get to take later today or tomorrow will surely help on that front. Right now i don't feel strong enough to stand in the shower. I am too shaky so am waiting til i am safer....
Will write more soon..i sure hope this is helping people understand what i am going through if you want or need more information please let me know
Good luck with your recovery. I highly recomend at least 10 days of rest before going back to school or work. I was up trying to go to work after only 7 days, and it was too soon, I could barely make it through the day... I was very week by the end. I wish you teh best. BTW, thanks for the link, I'll send one back to you! :)
i agree i am at day 6 and i am still way way not ready to be out in the world!!! thanks and glad to hear you are doing better
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