Well in general I feel ok...I am not tiring as much--BUT>>>>the pain is still more than I think it should be. I am back on night time pain meds beginning tonight...Hoping that I sleep like a baby all night long!!!!
The incisions are doing alright--I still have a stitch in each one that I have to keep covered most of the time since the popped out..
I also am showing some NEW bruising at my armpit incision...Guessing it's the swelling finally going down and the implant settling into place...
I will be turned on 3,27....til then not much to report---well except I am having evening seizures again---I haven't had those in FOREVER!!!
To the left is my Armpit incision at 3 weeks POST OP ugly huh LOL several spots have stitches starting to poke through...ON the right is my neck incision 3 weeks POST OP! You can see three black dots which are all knots that are picking through...Not fun LOL
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