Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Turned up again

Turned up again today..So i was upped to .75 in and out and then my pulse width was lowered to 250....due to my having trouble catching my breath sometimes when it goes off..i can tell a difference because of the pulse width--but he is hoping that maybe someday to go back on it..Since there are no changes in my seizures we added a second med; phenobarbitol...i have never had this one as it's kind of strong i guess....but i said i would give it shot. The goal is to be seizure free right--well i don't want to not at least try something if it's not gonna hurt me too badly. So for now things are fine... but the adjusting of the meds could be fun since it's been awhile since i tried something new...kind of used to my schedule now ya know...will keep you posted on if i notice changes....i am gonna start a log on my seizures as another blog and will post that link in my links once i get it up and running....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that you got your pulse width lowered. I have never found any studies that indicate that a "higher" pulse width is any better than a lower pulse width. Hope you are having a good summer. Good luck with the phenobarbitol... that is some pretty strong stuff...